Experience the magic of the North Sea at home


Experience the fascination of the North Sea up close. Everyone who has ever been there knows the diversity of habitats:
Whether you take a trip to Germany's only high seas island, Helgoland, hike through seemingly endless salt marshes or get stuck knee-deep in the mudflats (and wonder when the tide will return), the UNESCO World Heritage Site has a lot to offer.
Together with NABU and AWI we have created NordseeLIFE.
An interactive tour to the most beautiful and diverse areas of the North Sea.
Besides the beauties you might have explored in real life, you can explore places that only a few people have been allowed to enter or dive.
Helgoland's long Anna from the frog's perspective, swap off into the blue-green stone reef or go far out to sea with the research ship. Besides real worlds, there are also 3D elements like a very, very interactive map of the North Sea and an exploration tour over and through a 3D mudflat.
All this and much more is possible from home or on the go with your own device in NorthseaLIFE and you don't need rubber boots or a rain jacket.


NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.
AWI - Alfred-Wegener-Institut
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung


Virtual Reality diving
360° underwater video
Virtual Reality Roadshow


360° film production
Underwater video production
UI/UX design
360° post production
Sound Production
WebVR programming


Anthem Awards (by Webby Awards) - Gold
Virtual discovery tour

Stroll through the mudflats, discover a lugworm or watch gannets nesting on Helgoland.
What was previously reserved for visitors to the North Sea can now be experienced digitally by everyone thanks to NorthseaLIFE.
Thanks to the latest web technologies, the habitats are transported home. A 3D rendered map for navigation or a 3D model of the tidal flat complete the virtual application.

The entire project is accompanied vocally by the actress Ulrike Knospe and Axel Prahl alias Frank Thiel, ARD Tatort commissioner Münster.

With "NorthseLIFE", NABU wants to raise awareness of how diverse, but also how endangered this unique habitat on our doorstep is.
So first watch NordseeLIFE and then please donate directly and not too stingy for marine protection;)

360° underwater production

12 boat trips with about 680 nautical miles were covered to film the most beautiful and impressive places of the North Sea. Our production team spent about 25 hours in the water. Equipment was moved around the islands by bike or on foot, which didn't make the production process any easier, and our brand new drone had a sustained encounter with the shipboard crane.
All of this was worth it. Among other things, we were able to capture the scientific work of the Alfred Wegener Institute on the research vessel, the beauty of a kelp forest off Helgoland, as well as the impressive diversity of the Wadden Sea.

Educational tool

NorthseaLIFE is intended to be more than just a discovery landscape of the North Sea. Besides the classic mode, in which all interested people can interactively move through the North Sea, we offer more in this WebXR based experience. Together with the NAJU (nature conservation youth of the NABU) we developed an approach for pupils. In addition to downloadable brochures for teachers, children (or anyone who wants to) can switch on the explorer mode and work on various questions and tasks virtually.
The offer is specifically aimed at schools to integrate NordseeLIFE into their lessons.


In addition to the web solution, which is available to anyone interested from home, NorthseaLIFE can also be experienced as a stationary virtual reality exhibition. On specially planned modules, the interactive journey into the North Sea can be followed either at NABU shows or currently as a temporary exhibit on the Cap San Diego - the museum ship in Hamburg. The fascination of the North Sea can be intuitively discovered on site, making the immersive experience that much clearer.